I tagged my picture with the phrase “be stronger than your excuses”, and that was truly my motto today. Today marked day one of my family vacation and it started off as you can imagine a typical vacation does…good food, lots of rest, and hanging out with family. To say I was sedentary for most of the day was an understatement.
However, I prepared for this moment; a moment that I knew would come and I planned for. I came prepared to lift on vacation using my 40-pound Adjustable Dumbbell Set with Case that is a hand-me-down from my husband. I put the baby down for her nap, changed into my workout clothes, grabbed a water bottle and hit the balcony to workout.
Here is a brief rundown of today’s workout session:
Floor Press 5X10 with 20lb dumbbells
Renegade Rows 4×8 with 20lb dumbbells
Mountain Climbers 4×25 per leg (50 total per set)
Weighted Windmills 3×10 with 10lb dumbbells
Squat 3×10 with 5lb plate held out straight in front with both hands
Fake jump rope 3×50
My biggest challenge was that I lift heavier than the 40lb weight set allowed for (it maxes out at the weight of 20lb per dumbbell). That meant that for both my floor presses and renegade rows I had to increase reps because I was lifting lighter weights. My other challenge had to do with the style of the weight set. Due to the fact that the dumbbells are not flat on the end, I could not set my dumbbells up to curl up for a floor press. Due to the fact that the dumbbell weights are round plates and not a hexagon, they wanted to roll as I held my upper body weight with one hand during renegade rows.
However, despite my criticisms, the 40-pound Adjustable Dumbbell Set with Case is very convenient to carry on vacation due to the compact size and carrying case. Is it the only dumbbell set that I would have in my home gym….no, but for travel purposes it is perfect. I look forward to adapting my workouts to use the set for my workouts all week.
If you are looking for your own 40-pound Adjustable Dumbbell Set with Case, Amazon can help you out at an affordable price. Just click on the picture link below to check it out and read reviews from Amazon customers.
So, I had every excuse and I crushed them. Tomorrow, I am looking forward to utilizing the beach for my workout. One of the great things about working out on vacation is the change of scenery, change of pace, and a new terrain to conquer.