What does a car have to do with weight loss and/or fitness goals?

I’m going to tell you a story so bear with me.
You see my dad was a car guy. While I always identified my dad as a farmer, he was also a car guy. Decades before I was born he would rebuild his classic car with his cousin and maybe just partake in a race or two. By the time that I was born, my dad worked as a mechanic for the local school district in the bus garage. By the time I started school, my dad had returned to farming, but he was still very particular about his vehicles. Particular enough that when he was taken from this earth, his prized pickup truck was the first vehicle in the processional behind the hearse.
Knowing all of that, it should not surprise you that my father raised me with very specific guidelines for automobile care. As long as I can remember, my parents always put “high test” gasoline or 93 premium gas in their cars. It was more expensive, but it burned a little hotter cleansing the system of impurities and hopefully extending the life of the car. Now I know that some critics will say that some cars should not put premium gas in their system because it may burn to hot, but that is for a different conversation.
As an adult, I fell into a world where gas prices are much above the $0.99 a gallon that it was when I started driving in 2002. I put regular gas in my car, but I sometimes wonder at what cost. If it is important to consider what type of gasoline that we put in our cars, why do we not spend as much time considering what type of fuel that we put in our bodies?
Making the Connection
I shared my car analogy to put in perspective our own nutrition. Just like a car works through a complex system of parts that each depend on each other, so does our body. What are you putting in your tank? It is simple, think about life 100 years ago. The only option for food was a whole food, mostly farm to table option. All of the chemicals and processed food that we ingest as “food” is artificial. It would be like putting a fuel alternative in your car that might run, but not as well as gasoline.
Therefore, I am so excited to be working with a program that focuses on whole foods, balanced macro nutrients, and healthy supplements. Elimination diets or fad diets might work in the short run but at what cost? You see, my first car was a hand-me-down 1988 Ford Tempo and by the time I owned it, it was on its 4th fuel pump. While that model of car was known for this issue, its just as relevant of an analogy. If you eat junk filled with sugar and chemicals designed to make you a food consumer that will eat more of the same thing, how are you preserving your fuel tank?
If you want to feel better, not constantly be hungry and craving snacks, sleep better, or see better gains in your workouts; then you need to consider taking your nutrition seriously.
I’m so excited to be working with an amazing group of people that are joining me in this journey. If you are looking for a change then please message me on Facebook or email me at lipstickandkettlebells@gmail.com for information.